Random reviews about your favorite TV shows. Disoriented ramblings are welcome. REALITY SHOWS ARE NOT.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Supernatural - It's On Tonight!!
This is my first post about Supernatural. I've been intentionally holding myself back for a couple of weeks, but NO MORE! I FREAKIN' LOVE THIS SHOW! I love this show so much I'm going to write two posts about it before and after tonight's episode.
So here we are. If you have been following the Winchester brothers like I have, you would be an obsessed maniac about this show. For those of you who watch it occasionally just for kicks and think it's okay but nothing special, you sicken me. After six seasons of going through Heaven and Hell (literally), we are almost halfway through season 7 and have arrived at the much anticipated mid-season finale with mixed feelings of excitement and dread.
If you aren't up to speed about the story so far, TOUGH NOOGIES (I can't believe I just said that! My apologies. I'm just excited about tonight!).
The last episode left us with the impression that all is not well with Bobby. The hole in Bobby's hat courtesy of Leviathan dick, or rather a Leviathan named Dick, was supposed to signify that he might be dead or at the most seriously injured. But if you're a die hard fan like I am, you would have read the storyline for the next episode 'Death's Door', which clearly indicated that this will be a Bobby-centric episode. The name itself kind of gives us the impression that he might be fighting for survival and Sam & Dean have to race against time to save him or something like that. Now I haven't seen tonight's episode yet. So if I just revealed some spoilers without knowing it, TOUGH NOOGIES (okay, I'll stop).
I haven't really enjoyed the Leviathan storyline this season and yes, the show hasn't been at it's best. After the pure awesomeness of seasons 5 (freakin' Lucipher!) and 6, season 7 has been kind of a disappointment. Rumors are abuzz that the show might be nearing the end. I would tell those rumors to bite their respective tongues.
But seriously, after fighting demons (freakin' Lucipher!) and angels and vampires and werewolves and wendigos and shapeshifters and dragons and fairies (hee hee) and the Mother of All (whatever the hell she was), the Leviathans just don't seem to be as scary or powerful as they're being made out to be. Yes, it's a bitch to try and kill the bastards, and yes they eat human internal organs (and themselves apparently), but it isn't something we haven't seen before. The discovery that they're vulnerable to borax was, well, ridiculous with a certain degree of goofiness involved. However, ridiculous and goofy are not unfamiliar traits for this show. So I guess it works.
Both Castiel and Misha Collins are sorely being missed this season. It's a pretty safe bet to say we will see Cas again. His 'death' was a little too unceremonious to be true. I'm not sure how this season is doing as far as the numbers go, but if a boost is needed, he needs to be back sooner rather than later. If Supernatural is to regain it's former glory, two other characters need to put in more appearances - Crowley and Death. Aren't they like the coolest characters on the planet??
On the whole, nothing would please me more than to see Sam and Dean chop off a few Leviathan heads every week. Although, I would prefer if this Leviathan business was dealt with as quickly as possible and the Winchesters move on to more important business.
- Sam and Dean without Bobby would be like Sam without Dean. So there!
- I get the feeling the Winchesters are gonna need some serious backup this season (other than Bobby). Without Castiel, who do you think it should be?
- Dean has had a butt load of funny lines this season. Kudos to the writers! Hope there's more where that came from.
- Why the hell is Crowley scared of the Leviathans? Couldn't he snap is fingers and make Leviathan Dick explode??
Did I mention how excited I am about tonight's episode?? Bring it on!!
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